Brown rice is a rich gluten free source of energy, fibre, protein and B vitamins.
Potential Health Benefits
Stabilises blood sugar levels & reduces risk of diabetes
Lowers cholesterol & helps protect the cardiovascular system
Protects the gut by removing waste reducing the risk of colon cancer & supports IBS
Boosts energy & supports the muscles
Calms the nervous system
Relives menopause symptoms such as hot flushes
Strengthens skin and hair as well as mucus membranes which support our immune system.
Brown rice can be served cold or warm in salads and is a great accompaniment to stews and curries and can replace pasta, bread and potatoes. Brown rice milk is a good alternative to cows milk.
Go Slow
If you have not eaten brown rice before, start with a small portion and leave it a few days before you eat it again. This will allow time for you to ensure your body does not react negatively to it.
How to Cook Brown Basmati Rice & Short Grain Brown Rice
Rinse the rice with cold water
Add 1/3 cup of rice to a saucepan
Add 2/3 cup of cold water to the pan: twice as much water to rice. Add 2 extra tablespoons of water for short grain brown rice.
Add a little salt to taste if desired
Bring to the boil gently with the lid on
Reduce the heat and simmer for 25 minutes for basmati rice and 40 minutes for short grain rice.
Cooking until just tender
Remove from the heat, leaving the lid on and let it rest for another 5-10 minutes until cooked. For short grain rice you will need the full 10 minutes.
Times will vary according to the variety of rice you use, your heat source and cooking pans so it is worth taking the time to learn how to cook it to perfection at home and according to your taste.
Cooked to Dried Ratios
100g cooked rice is ½ cup
100g uncooked rice equates to around 200-250g (1-1 ¼ cup) cooked